Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Life Isn't Black and White

but this picture of our life is:

Are you ready for Christmas yet?
It's always down to the wire for me. It isn't true Christmas without a little last minute scrambling. For Lena's second Christmas on Christmas Eve I realized I had completely forgotten about her stocking so we went to Walgreens and Jeff waited in the car with her while I grabbed some token chocolate Santa and some small cheap stuffed lamb. That scruffy little lamb was her favorite thing for most of the following year. So judge not anti-scramblers.

Did you ever notice how much kids LOVE to give gifts?
Especially if those gifts are for their father picked out by their mother and include something lame like essentials(not that that's what we got you Esq...)? I'm excited they are old enough for us to incorporate gift giving from them this year.
It's so much more in the true spirit of Christmas-like. And almost better than getting their own gifts.
The years of exciting Christmases are certainly upon us.

Plus, I acquired my very first official child-made ornament this year in all it's awesome glory:

Doesn't get any better than that my friends.


abby said...

milo is digging on lena's ornament. i think he's jealous.

robin said...

i love your last three posts... i've missed you! (is that weird?)

our blogging christmas vacations are coinciding i believe. i need to post. it's driving me crazy.

i love that ornament, it is the best thing ever. and happy anniversary and calvin is so cute i want to squeeze him.

robin said...

oh kelly, i have so wanted to keep track of the "you've got your hands full" comments! i have considered putting a counter on my sidebar to keep a running total. you read my mind!

Julie@HapaLAB said...

love that ornament:) Do I see an kiddie dining set in the background there? New addition to the living room?

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