Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Give Us A Moment

Our limbs are missing. a.k.a. the other Vaiseys went home on Monday. Home to California where the atmosphere is way overrated.

We're still recovering from cousin loss.
We miss them terribly. All of them.
Even Oliver's screaming (bless his heart) and Lena and Eloise's constant competing.

But most of all, I miss you, Bek.

You and your skillz-with-a-z got me through a long hot summer with a newborn. The second lounger by Juje's pool will never be the same without you in your bright blue glamour one piece that I look like crap in.

As soon as we figure out how to do life again (including but not limited to feeding ourselves) we'll be back up and running.

In other news, he's still cute:

and these are my legs and it looks like his car seat is on fire but it's not. But if it was he is having a very inappropriate reaction to it.

Seriously though, I'm so sad they're gone and I'm going to shout it from the blog post roof tops!
I don't care who knows it.

P.S. Call me, will ya Rebekah? I've got a mountain of laundry that I need talked through.


Julie Vaisey said...

I will put on the blue bathing suit and sit by the pool with you if you want. It will be quite a spectacle, but after all you do for me, it's the least I can do to ease your loss. Cracking me up with the fiery car seat pictie. That baby is close to the cutest thang I have ever laid eyes on. Thanks for making him.

teamBoo said...

it seems your whole family is pretty outstanding...i wouldn't mind having her hair either. good luck with your laundry and life living without your partner in crime. she really knows how to strike a pose.

Rebekah V. said...

I think I took that picture of binners roasting on the fire. oh. sad. sad. sad times. The atmosphere IS way overrated here. you can take your urban san francisco don't look me in the eyes way too many cars and people awesomeness and shove it. On the other hand I would take a my girl friday like you, always there in a pinch with the kids, second string mommy, make me laugh till I get embarrassed friend just a few minutes away any ol day of the week. In short. I miss you.

ps. the homage to me collage is a dream come true. I am still lauging my beak off. all that posturing paid off.

robin said...

i am feeling for you. there is nothing worse than family withdrawals and adjusting back to real life.

and your little guy? i could eat him up.

Julie@HapaLAB said...

We've got Bek now...tho she seems not quite as "posie" here:( The heat is melting her perfect hair...she probably wouldn't mind some "K" to pep her up. BTW - You little peanut is totally adorable, seriously.

kelly said...

Ok Juje, you're on. We'll shiver together pool side till our lips turn blue because it seems they took the hot weather with them. rebekah does have rocking hair- always has and probably will as a granny. i wanted to add hearts to the collage but i thought maybe it was too over the top? ah sigh.

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