For the sake of becoming a blog burn-out, I figged a spicy little questionnaire was in order.
The name of the game is:
"How Crunchy"
Answer best from the following Qs:
Am I...
a.) Crunchy enough to use cloth diapers on da children's buns with a side of homemade diaper solution and ghetto-serged wipes
b.) Crunchy enough to use a diva cup
c.) Crunchy enough to make plans for the chickens that will soon be roaming free with the children in the backyard
d.) Crunchy enough to give birth at home
e.) Crunchy enough to have a 2-year-old placenta hanging around the bottom of my freezer
f.) Crunchy enough to have a mild lust with the word organic and foods that are of the "whole" nature.
g.) Crunchy enough to combine all of the above to add a show-stopping amount of granola to your daily read
If you answered "g" you'd be correct. Even if secretly (or not so secretly) most of those things gross you.
Best part of it all, I bet you didn't even see it coming
...kind of like that time some old lady in church once said to me that I looked like a teenager (beehive status), too young to be married or have children. Or maybe like the time I felt the need to make small talky-type jokes while flashing the bling on my left ring finger to the lady at the Walgreens counter when I was buying a pregnancy test once.
I'm of the small-boned nature, I look younger than my age (troubled teen?), I get it.
But then BAM! out of nowhere I throw a- married, two kids, pregnant and scooping chicken poop out of the coop -at them.
21 Jump Street? Think about it.
love that you shared...
1. don't worry I have also gotten the high school questions.
2. please share the diaper solution,etc
3. can you tell us why you decide to give birth at home and how you found a midwife,etc.
4. what is the deal with the placenta hanging around the bottom of my freezer? is it used for something?
I admit, E is kind of freaky.
Although, I did keep the top of my wedding cake in my freezer for a year.
So that is the same thing, right?
(I'm joking)
is this true?!? i thought i knew you. i need a minute.
I thought about burying my placenta in the garden, but I can't figure out what yours is doing in the freezer?? Please enlighten me.
maybe "e" was too much information. ummm, probably. It's actually there because with Simon's home birth, I was supposed to do something with it, like bury it under a cozy tree or the like, but I never did it, so there it sits. Carefully and tightly wrapped up with care. but rest assure, I have no plans for consuming.
this list isn't THAT crazy, is it? come on peeps- lighten.
ah. I can relate to the put-it-in-the-depths-of-the-freezer-an-forget-about-it. I think I have leftover meatloaf from 2004 in the bottom of mine.
Also, did I tell you R1 has been researching chicken types and informed me that if we move to Fairfax, VA, and buy a 1 acre lot we can have as many chickens as we want?
Not that crazy. Because, as you know, minus the plans for a chicken coop because we are in a rental, I can answer affirmative to all of them too. Only I got rid of the placentas. I think you are supposed to bury them under the doorstep or maybe sell them to an herbalist. My answer to why give birth at home? There are so many. But my favorite part is that nobody tells you what to do. We could talk about all of this for hours. Wait. We have. Loved this post. Glad you are out of the crunchy closet you big hippy.
and the placent was in the freezer in the first place because Simes was born during the frozen tundra that is Rochester in January. Hence, no soft or un thawed ground for proper burial. This shall all be remedied come spring.
and birth at home is a whole separate post. stay tuned.
ps - jvaisey is also known as kelly vaisey
Why not consume it?? Did you know that I encapsulate placentas?! So cool, so very crunchy. :) How do you like the diva cup? Still not cloth diapering here...the husband is not on board. Wish we could have chickens but town house living just doesn't agree with them. My mom has them- my kids loved chasing them this summer.
I'll remind you sis this summer when we visit to bury the placenta or should I say placenta(s) by that worries!
I've heard about burying the placenta before, but why are you supposed to do that? (the reason escapes me) I had to look up what a diva cup was, and now I feel completely uncool. Sometime we will have to talk birth philosophies. I have to admire your cloth-diaper, home-birthing crunchy world over at chez Vaisey. Enjoy the chickens! If they lay lots of eggs will you be imparting of the goodness around the neighborhood? :)
While I am nowhere NEAR as awesomely crunchy as you, I applaud your efforts, and am quite intrigued by the diva cup. :)
Crunch, crunch...
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