*at the in-laws, after a long day in the pool, when the livin' was easy
Summer. It's nearly over, you know.
You knew.
I swear my mother-in-law's neighbor's tree has already painted the grass beneath it with a monster pile of gold and red. Can it be?
I confess I'm not ready to move on.
Which I suppose is odd because I have a long-standing love affair with fall. Even the typing of the word fall gives me chills. But, as the days get shorter and cooler, I find myself longing for summer to linger.
Perhaps it's because, I for one, believe Rochester robbed us of a proper summer this '09 season (aside from the mad 2 weeks straight we spent in the pool, that was summery and all that). Cool to begin, cool during the middle month, hot for a wee second, then September snuck up like Lena hunched in the corner unraveling an entire roll of toilet paper...again...for the third day in a row (and here I thought the fascination with toilet paper left after the toddler years). Where was I? Oh yes, a gypped summer.
So, you see until I have an appropriate grievance session for a summer lost, I can't move on. I want to be ready and waiting for fall with bells on. Then, and then only, will I truly be able to embrace the fall season and all it's splendor. For it is magical after all, isn't it? Its smells, its tastes, its sights, it's decor. Wait...wait for it...yes, I think I just had myself a tiny little fall-ish moment.
It will come, and it won't disappoint.
For now, I'm off to do some summery things until it just doesn't feel right any longer.
you guys are so opposite day. i would kill for a moment where you couldn't fry an egg on my forehead outside here in AZ. I agree, Fall IS dreamy!...our leaves don't fall until like December! Grass is greener i suppose....
well, when you put it that way, i should just stop my complaining and stick a pipe in it
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