Tuesday, July 21, 2009


That's short for Schmeeboo. And that's nickname for Lena, our spunky, colorful, hi-lair-ee-ous first born.

She's been crackin' my stuff up lately, and quite frankly I never know what she'll spout out next.

And that face of hers -THAT FACE- when it closes in mere inches from mine with a new story to tell. The barely-there lisp brightly shinning through, and the expressions! Oh the drama! I thank my lucky stars for that prized possession of mine. That rootin' tootin', primpin', Simon-smackin' daughter we call Schmeeboo.  Do you know her? 

prefers to do her business outside

can most often times be found in a timeout

believes every task or order given to her is up for negotiation

eats her weight in food daily, most of which ends up all over her clothes, the floor, smeared over the table or in her hair

loves to mother all living things aside from Simon

can be found at any given moment: shirtless, shoeless, pantless or completely in the buff

M E.

1 comment:

Beach Hendersons said...

I just died. Does the potty live out there or does she drag it out there for each use. Hilarious.

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