Time: A Beautiful Saturday Morning
Place: Mendon Ponds Park
Event: Nature Walk
Highlights: Feeding birds out of our hands, seeing hawks and owls, eagles and deer, squirrels and chipmunks, and visiting the Nature Center (the day's activities also included but weren't limited to tree hugging...and tree kissing, picking up sticks and running on the trails in the mud)
Lena the tree hugger
She hugged roughly 20 trees before the end of the hike
Simon's nature walk perch
Jeff getting his morning workout
Me and my two cutie-pants happy trailers
A sweet vid of a bird actually eating sunflower seeds right out of my hand
'Till next time dear Mother Nature...
Cute!! I love the tree hugging and kissing pictures! :) Sorry about the cold, we will be thinking of you as the kids run through the sprinklers in their swimming suits... ;) No, it's not that warm yet, but it's coming... :(
I love the video! You've been dying to do that! lol We'll have to do it again when we come up. Lena loves the outdoors, doesn't she?
Luff you....
Wow, the bird eating out your hand is pretty awesome. Nice one...
the vid is AWESOME!!! your kids look so cute all bundled up! And your little tree hugger is totally adorable!
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