Allow me to elaborate... Lately, Lena has been, well let's just say, fascinated, for lack of a better word, by the contents of her diaper. She puts her hand in her diaper every single time she poops. It started about a week or so ago and pretty much happens now whenever she either poops in her diaper, or takes a nap. The first time the problem showed its ugly face was during what was supposed to be her nap time. Jeff was the innocent victim who made the gruesome discovery. There she was in her crib, completely stripped down to no clothes making us a lovely mural. {I truly do apologize to those of you who I am grossing out, but sometimes a blog entry's gotta do what a blog entry's gotta do}
So, we dealt with the problem at hand (pun intended) as best we could, I was on Lena duty and Jeff on wall art duty. From that point on, it is on her hands at least once a day. I DON'T GET IT! What's the fascination? It's obviously absolutely disgusting. I tell her she is going to make mommy, daddy and Simon very sick. After it happens I rush her up to the bath and use our detachable shower head to spray her down with less than comfortable water temperatures. She hates the shower spray, but I am at a loss because it keeps reccurring. Any suggestions from any of you seasoned mothers? I figure it's a sign of wanting to use the potty, and we do encourage her to use the potty. She sits on it everyday and we reward her for her occasional successes. We've tried switching from cloth to disposables, using pants that have drawstrings, even trying to cut the despicable act off at the path. So far, no such luck. This will not be good for her future...or mine. The floor is yours...
Kelly, of course since I am not cleaning up the mess everyday, I have to say I think this is so funny. You are more seasoned than me; sorry I have no ideas. Well, maybe some kind of timeout of something. Good Luck!
I never had that problem. She has quit doing this now, hasn't she? She didn't do it last weekend when we were there! (thank goodness!) Ew, yucky gross!
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