I called Jeff, to get him home from work, the midwife, to get her to the house, and Julie, to come pick up my mom and Lena. In the mix of everyone coming and going the contractions got a LOT more intense, so I went upstairs to try to concentrate. It was getting more and more difficult to talk through them, and I headed for seclusion in my room (and hallway because I still had the STRONG need to walk walk walk).
After saying goodbye to Lena and kissing her big fat sweet cheeks and welcoming the first midwife on the scene I was feeling great that I was truly in real labor and that the baby was going to be OUT of me in the very near future. It might have been around 6-7ish that the contractions became longer and stronger, I'm still not sure of a timetable because I yanked the alarm clock from our bedroom out of the wall around this time.
Midwife no. 2 arrived a while later and things were definitely in business. They set up shop in our bedroom and headed back downstairs to give us some privacy and space. (I feel very independent when I am in labor and don't really want anyone to touch or talk to me). This gave Jeff the important duty of siting in the room with me with a look on his face like "I'm here if there is anything I can do!" He made for a great labor companion once again.
Some more time passed...must have been a couple of hours. In the far off land of labor, time is so irrelevant. It's amazing what a different world you enter. By now my very dear and amazing midwife, Meg, came up to sit through a few contractions with me to see how I was progressing. She must have thought baby go time was near because soon the other two birth attendants followed and labor picked up by 1 million percent.
Transition was extremely INTENSE. I mean far more intense than with Lena, which during the whole labor I was comparing the two. BIG mistake. Walking around for the past few weeks at 4cm, we all thought labor would progress very quickly, but it turned out to last almost as long as labor with Lena. I didn't know the work I had cut out for me.
By about the point when I literally thought I couldn't go on anymore, (a point I barely reached with Lena's) I asked Meg to break my water. After she did, pain I didn't think could get stronger, did in fact do just that. I paced around frantically, yelling "I can't do this!, I don't want to do this", when finally I felt the urge to push. This was the difficult part of Lena's labor, this time was not easier but different. It lasted for 20 minutes or so I am guessing. Pushing began in the bathroom and moved to our bedroom where at roughly 10:18 p.m. they laid him across my chest and I looked down at his thing-like hands and couldn't stop saying "he's here! he's here! I can't believe how big he is!"
How truly amazing and powerful it was. At 8 pounds 15 ounces, (a whopping 2 pounds bigger than Lena!) 21 1/4 inches he is perfect. His name is Simon.
Yea, you did it. He sure is cute. It sounds like this time around was harder, but, of course, worth it. I'm glad your mom was there for you and Lena after the baby was born. Moms make such a big difference.
Congrats! Good to see you finally had him. He's adorable!
You are amazing! I had the opportunity to attend two births this week- they are all so different! I am confident that you were a powerful birthing mama :). Simon is adorable- congrats!
I wish I could have stayed longer....you have two wonderful, beautiful children. My beautiful grandchildren...my beautiful daughter, I am proud of you!
Love mom
Oh, he is surely a keeper!! What a cute little guy, although I guess he's not so little huh?! He's almost the exact same size that my Jayden was, only my Jayden was 8lbs 15 oz and 21" long, missed it by a 1/4 of an inch! :) I am glad that things are done and I hope you are recovering well. So, I always ask this, why the name Simon? (I love hearing why people choose the names they do for their children, it's always so fun!)
A big (literally) congrats to your beautiful growing family! You have now been added to my list of inspiring heroes to be able to do all of that naturally! We're really happy for you both (and Lena too :)!
I just read the post about Simon's 3rd birthday, and just had to take a peek at his birth story. How amazing!
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