Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Summer of Vaisey Video Series: Take 2

We were hot.
We were bored.
We needed to find something to do with 7 children under 9 stat.
We went to the fish hatchery.

It must be said that on this beautiful summer day, Rebekah and I braved the wilderness behind that fish hatchery with the (murmuring) children and one wrong turn or two later it became quite the unexpected Blair Witch sort of adventure.

But what I wouldn't give to be back there right this very moment, hiking with a new baby strapped to my sweaty person dragging the arm of a particularly ornery 2 year old while shouting ahead to the clumsy 4 year old to stay close to the path as not to fall off the steep cliff on the other side and meet her tragic death.

And such was another day in the Summer of Vaisey...
(recommended viewing in HD)


GrammaTina said...

awesome job on the video Kelly...very cute...

Amanda said...

Wohoo, Ethan and I made a cameo! Though I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who would ever be able to notice. What a fun summer for you guys. Great documentation. And yes,we need to get together with or without the spouses sometime soon.

kelly said...

and don't forget Ellie Mae, technically she was there too. Jen and Bryson now have a trampoline in their basement! In their basement! I say we invade their home for a get together:)

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