Along with Easter morning came the shinning sun. Glorious shinning sun. That sun, such a hot commodity around here (get it? hot commodity... check...check... is this thing on?). Despite the 30 something degree temperature, we basked in it as much and as long as possible before our extremities froze. Peter Cottontail brought the children baskets filled with spring nests. Lena had lots of fun finding them.

Easter Morning also meant a special breakfast immediately following basket hunting. It was Jeff's turn to sleep in, so our paths separated then, his lead him back to bed, mine to the kitchen to make the special breakfast a reality. On the menu this year: chocolate chip pancakes from scratch with real maple syrup. Jeff stumbled downstairs at the smell of pancake goodness (the best way to wake up I say) and we gobbled them up. Shortly after we piled into the car and headed off to church. Church was especially good.

Afterwards, we drove to Sunday dinner activities where we devoured a delicious Easter meal prepared by Babajuje, ate a box or two of peeps, and then headed back home to tuck in the kiddos.
It was a day filled with my favorite things. I liked that.
It was a day filled with my favorite things. I liked that.
Do you alternate sleep-in day son the weekend too??
You looked vintage-tastic on Easter Sunday. Is that the red lipstick Jeff was telling you not to wear? The sleeping in on the weekend trade-off sounds like a good idea. Maybe we'll try that.
Wait, did you say sun? What is that? I live at the beach, but I have seen no sun. I think I need to have a talk with the being in charge of this thing called SUN!
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