Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Nie Nie Dialogues

The majority of you, by know, have already heard the Nielson family's story (if not, you can read about it here and here). Every now and again, I find myself blog-to-blogging on over to her page. Well, last night at about 10p.m. I did just that, I went back through her archives and couldn't stop. I read and read until about 3 a.m. ish (I KNOW!).
Stephanie Nielson is indeed a remarkable woman. Not only because she has fantastic taste in clothes, home decor and is darn right crafty, but because I think she has it right when it comes to family and our purpose here. Remarkable to me mostly because lately, I have struggled with my own duties as a mother, homemaker, a wife, and a daughter of God. As I read about her adventures in motherhood and daily life, glorious and not so glorious, I was reminded of my own blessings in my own life: my children, my husband, my testimony. It all sort of left me wondering, "What in the heck is up with my stinky attitude?" Needless to say, I have been inspired. Here's to the New Year.

Change, it is a comin'...


Anonymous said...

Kelly, my dear sweet dotty...never wonder of your are an elect daughter of God and a wonderful mother, wife, sister, daughter, aunt, and friend. Anyone in your life is blessed to know you. :-) I'm glad you are here. I love you.

kelly said...

oh i wonder not, mom. that wasn't what I was saying at all...:)

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