Friday, March 28, 2008

Hoesli's Come to Town

We had the pleasure of a 4 day visit from Shane, Shannon, Stone and Max (a.k.a the Hoesli's) a couple weekends ago. We lined Lena's bedroom floor with aero beds of all sizes and blankets and pillows for a sort of guest room simulation.

The weekend's events consisted of out-to-eat dinners, a birthday celebration a-la-Shannon, a little mall shopping, mom's famous Navajo tacos and the Strong Museum. With four kiddos ages 4, 2, 1 and 7 weeks (and 1 Hoesli on the way:) the daytime was full of non-stop sounds of cries, whines and especially giggles. It was fun to see Lena play and laugh with my sister's crew. That Max Christopher is one sweet charmer of a toddler. I could keep him for my very own. Here are a few pics from the weekend...

Strong Museum-ing it

The birthday girl's cake (insert funny story about the gel I used to write that b-day message here) It was actually food coloring in gel form. Oops. Blue mouths for all. Small price to pay for a deeLish chocolate treat, right guys?

His face was this smiley most of the weekend

{p.s. I very recently cut bangs and it has come to be quite the love-hate relationship}

Thanks for spending your not so spring-like break here in our winter wonderland. Come back anytime!

1 comment:

Robb and Tina 's Place said...

I love seeing my grills together! :-) Too bad Ryan wasn't there....I wish I could have been!

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